
Wisdom Is Plain And Right

Study Bible Humbly By Its Rules

(Source: (Source: PIB/GR/TYP/BIN/USPA/WN)
USPA NEWS - A little understanding and knowledge, from fearing the Lord and trembling before His word, will open the Bible to you. The words become plain and right, when you study the Bible humbly by its rules of interpretation. If you approach it arrogantly or critically, it is designed to confuse and destroy.
“˜They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge. Proverbs 8:9“²

Some say, “The Bible is too difficult!“ Others say, “The Bible contradicts itself!“ Many conclude, “Anything can be taught from the Bible. It is impossible to know the truth for sure.“ The devil laughs with evil satisfaction at such absurd remarks. But Wisdom teaches that the words of wisdom are plain and right ““ to those with understanding and knowledge! If you have a problem with the Bible, you have the problem, not the Bible!
A little understanding and knowledge, from fearing the Lord and trembling before His word, will open the Bible to you. The words become plain and right, when you study the Bible humbly by its rules of interpretation. If you approach it arrogantly or critically, it is designed to confuse and destroy you.

The Bible is plain and right, if you are born again (John 3:3; Rom 3:11), are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, fear God, delight in the Lord, obey what you learn, pray for wisdom, work for it, will take correction, have a godly motive, and use God-given teachers.
The Bible, God´s book of wisdom, reveals secrets of the universe that greatly affect human existence, but most men have no use for it. The Bible is closed to them. God reveals these things only to His children. They have no regard for intelligence, education, or the opinions of any or all men. They believe every word of God to be absolute truth, and they despise any other ideas.
The Bible is the only true book on earth. It alone has the words of wisdom from heaven, which Solomon sought to tell you about through Wisdom in this proverb. If you embrace her, she will bless you; if you reject her, you must love death (Pr 8:35-36). But this wonderful book can do you no good, unless you acquire the understanding and knowledge that opens its treasures. Humble yourself before the great God, repent of your pride and sins, and beg Him for wisdom. He will make the words plain and right to you.
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