Connected cap by Ford (Source: Ford)
Ford has devised and developed an intelligent cap that can detect fatigue signals and alert the driver that it is time to take a break. This new innovation aims to reduce accidents due to drowsy driving, On highway, 1/3 of fatal accidents are due to drowsiness *. To address this, Ford has designed a smart, connected cap that can alert the driver when he falls asleep at the wheel. The device equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a processor, this connected cap detects and analyzes the movements of the head, associated with signs of sleepiness then warns the driver that it is time for him to take a break. The device activates for this three signals: a slight vibration, a warning sound and a flashing light.
Ford has devised and developed an intelligent cap that can detect fatigue signals and alert the driver that it is time to take a break. This new innovation aims to reduce accidents due to drowsy driving,On highway, 1/3 of fatal accidents are due to drowsiness *. To address this, Ford has designed a smart, connected cap that can alert the driver when he falls asleep at the wheel.Equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a processor, this connected cap detects and analyzes the movements of the head, associated with signs of sleepiness then warns the driver that it is time for him to take a break. The device activates for this three signals: a slight vibration, a warning sound and a flashing light.-----------------------------------------------
"One time, I fell asleep at the wheel and when I woke up, I was riding on a truck that was driving slower.To avoid it, I had to give a steering wheel and go on the opposite lane. to the detriment of all the safety rules, "says Jorge Barbosa, Brazilian truck driver. "I did not even have time to check if someone arrived in front which was fortunately not the case, otherwise I would not be here to tell this story". It is now at the stag of prototype developed with sleep experts. Still in prototype status, this connected cap was developed by Ford with the help of experts to make the roads safer.-----------------------------------------------
"The cap can detect the movements of the head even before the driver closes his eyes, for example when the muscles of his neck start to relax.This allows to anticipate drowsiness and thus prevent the driver from s' asleep at the wheel, "said Dr. Lia Bittencourt of the Sleep Institute, who helped develop the accessory. Source : Ford
Ford Connected Cap Break Innovation Fatigue Driver Accelerometer Gyroscope Rahma Sophia Rachdi Jedi Foster
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